
Hi! I’m Phoenix.

(That’s not my real name, but it’s what I’ve gone by online for close to 20 years, so why stop now?)

I’m a archivist/bookbinder living in the DC metro area with a penchant for fandom, preservation, storytelling, and how it all mashes together. With Twitter falling apart, it felt more important than ever to have a space of my own. So here we are: an old-school blog to talk about whatever’s making me happy this week.

I also have a handful of other little projects and socials over at my omg.lol hub.

Cryptids? Capybaras?

I’m a softie at heart. I like cute shit. But I was also the kind of kid who’d gleefully shout, “EW, that’s so gross! Here, you look!” and didn’t realize that a full rundown of Disturbing Bug Facts I Learned Today wasn’t good dinner conversation. The stuff I’m digging might range from “look at that fuzzy animal” to “look at this body horror story I found.” Why limit yourself, y’know?
